Znanstveni dokazi o djelovanju Bambach sjedala

Assessment of Dental Student Posture in Two Seating Conditions using RULA methodology

Electromyographic study of the dynamic sitting position suitable for dentists

Effect of two seating positions on upper limb function in normal subjects

Assessment of Dental Student Posture in Two Seating Conditions using RULA methodology

Assessment of Dental Student Posture in Two Seating Conditions using RULA methodology

Assessment of the ergonomic risk from saddle and conventional seats in dentistry:
A systematic review and meta-analysis

Postural Assessment of Students Evaluating the Need of Ergonomic Seat and Magnification in Dentistry

Postural Assessment of Students Evaluating the Need of Ergonomic Seat and Magnification in Dentistry

An investigation into the immediate effects on comfort, productivity and posture of the Bambach saddle seat and a standard office chair

An investigation into the immediate effects on comfort, productivity and posture of the Bambach saddle seat and a standard office chair

Healthy Sitting
Goodbye to Back Pain
Author: Dr. med. dent. Hans H. Sellmann, Marl, Germany

The Real Aid for Back Pain
Author: Dr. med. dent. Deborah Horch, Düsseldorf, Germany

Ergonomic stool design allows you to treat patients from a variety of positions while always keeping perfect sitting posture